US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
About the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Grants
The Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act’s (NMBCA) mission is to foster long-term conservation of neotropical migratory birds and their habitat in North America and the Caribbean. The upper Texas coast is a critical stopover point for migratory birds traveling along the Central and Mississippi Flyways, and is even used by birds traveling the Pacific and Atlantic Flyways. NMBCA, administered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Division of Bird Habitat Conservation, provides cost-share grants to organizations and individuals who are actively promoting conservation of neotropical migratory birds and bird habitats.
While 75% of NMBCA grant funding must be used to support projects outside the US, 25% of grant funds are available for US projects. NMBCA grants are extremely competitive; funding is most likely to be awarded for new conservation work that results in a net gain for conservation. Applicants for NMBCA grant projects must provide 3 to 1 matching funds for the project.
NMBCA grant funding exists for two programs:
Identifying Measure of Performance and Achieving Conservation Targets (IMPACT) program
- IMPACT targets high priority species for conservation. These species are expected to respond to a project in a measurable way within 5-10 years of project implementation.
- Those interested in the IMPACT program should apply for the IMPACT program only. Projects not selected for the IMPACT program will automatically be considered for funding under the Core program. The proposal cover page should clearly indicate interest in the IMPACT program.
- IMPACT funding is limited to $200,000 per project.
Core program
- The Core program benefits any eligible neotropical bird species.
- Funding is limited to $200,000 for a 2-year project and $100,000 for a 1-year project
- Eligible projects may include protection and management of neotropical bird populations and their habitat, law enforcement, research and monitoring, and community outreach and education.
Getting Started
- Eligible neotropical birds can be found in the Bird List
- Project proposals in the US should be developed with the local Joint Venture coordinator. Projects developed this way are considered more competitive.
- Applicants are encouraged but not required to send a 1 page pre-proposal to for review at least 3 months prior to the project submission deadline.
- Applications for NMBCA’s Core and IMPACT grant program must be submitted at
- For detailed information on how to apply, review the information available at the USFWS NMBCA How to Apply webpage
- For detailed information on how to apply, review the information available at the USFWS NMBCA How to Apply webpage