Find a Program that is Right for You


© Rebecca DaVanon, TCWP

Given the rapidly increasing rate of wetland loss seen in recently published studies1, wetland conservation is needed on the Upper Texas Coast and in lower East Texas to realize the nation’s No Net Loss policy. In Texas, 95% of land is privately owned. Texas landowners can aid in conservation efforts while receiving economic benefit from their land by using available federal, state, non-profit, and private conservation programs.

A conservation program’s mission should match a landowner’s current and long-term goals. Consider why you are interested in wetland conservation in order to find the right program for you.

Many programs which offer economic incentives for conservation focus on large-scale agriculture and silviculture, because size can maximize the potential benefit from conservation. Programs for small landowners are available as well, and often emphasis is on partnership and collaboration with other landowners.

  • Consider the various land use goals in which a property owner might be interested in under the LAND USE GOAL menu.  Programs and tools that could be utilized to accomplish these land use goals will be listed under each topic.
  • Explore only the programs that may apply to the type of landowner you are using the TYPE OF LANDOWNER menu. Only programs and tools that apply to your type of landownership (agriculture, large scale, small scale and urban, developer, small government) will be listed.
  • Search for programs by the type of economic incentive that is offered in the TYPES OF BENEFITS menu.  Perhaps you are interested in a program that will share part of the cost of implementation of a wildlife management project, search by Financial Assistance.

To view a comprehensive list of all programs sorted by host agency click on:


Up and Coming Programs and Markets for Ecological Services

New programs and markets for ecological services are developing, and private landowners in our area should keep an eye on these emerging resources.

Future Programs


The No Net Loss policy for wetland protection was enacted by President George H.W. Bush in 1989. The goal is to balance wetland loss due to development with wetland reclamation, mitigation, and restoration.

1.  The State of the Bay: A Characterization of the Galveston Bay Ecosystem, Third Edition and Houston Area Freshwater Wetland Loss, 1992-2010


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