Guaranteed loans, such as conservation loans through the Farm Service Agency (FSA), are backed by the FSA with lenders and ensure that agricultural operators, who would not otherwise quality for a loan, will be approved by the lender.
Loans, such as the Clean Water State Revolving Fund for Texas provide below-market interest rate loans to applicants wanting to implement wastewater management projects, nonpoint source pollution, and estuary management projects.
The Debt for Nature program through FSA, offers cancellation of a portion of FSA loan debt secured by real estate in exchange for practicing wildlife stewardship on the farm.
Programs and Tools Which Could Provide a Guaranteed Loan, Low-Interest Loan, or Debt Forgiveness to a Landowner
Click on a program below to learn more
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program: Texas Loan Program - Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF), which is authorized by the Clean Water Act and funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), provides below-market interest rate loans to applicants wishing to implement projects for estuary management, nonpoint source pollution management, or wastewater management. Applicants can be cities, counties, districts, river authorities, and private owners. Funding can be used for planning, design, and construction of projects. CWSRF can be used for wetland projects. According to the EPA, wetland projects are usually categorized... Read More →
Debt for Nature Program - USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) The Debt for Nature (DFN) program is administered by the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA). DFN is only available to persons with FSA loans secured by real estate. DFN allows eligible landowners to reduce their FSA debt while practicing wildlife stewardship on their farms. Eligible landowners can have a portion of their debt cancelled in exchange for protecting natural resources on marginal cropland and environmentally sensitive lands. Participants in the DFN program enter into a conservation contract of 10, 30, or 50 years... Read More →
Guaranteed Conservation Loans - USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) FSA Loans There are four main types of FSA loans: farm ownership, farm operating loans and microloans, emergency farm loans, and guaranteed farm loans (including conservation loans). While a borrower may qualify for one or any combination of these loans, the focus here will be on guaranteed farm ownership conservation loans. Guaranteed Loans The Farm Service Agency (FSA) administers a guaranteed loan program which assists farmers and other agricultural operators who would not normally qualify for standard commercial loans. This program is especially... Read More →