Forest Taxation Program

Texas A&M Forest Service (TFS)

Texas A&M Forest Taxation Program was developed to assist forestland owners in navigating taxes associated with operation and stewardship of a healthy forest. In silviculture, property taxes, cost-share assistance, capital gains taxes, and land and conservation easement donations are complex legal arrangements that may have taxation implementations; and timberland operation and ownership is not always well understood by tax professionals. The Forest Taxation Program website contains guides to the Timberland Property Tax in Texas, information on tax incentives associated with timberland, tax valuation forms for agriculture and timberland exemption, and Federal tax guidance for forestland owner.

The Forest Taxation Program also can assist landowners in estate planning since forest ownership is often a family legacy passed down generation to generation. Publications detailing estate planning can be found at the Forest Taxation Program website.

Texas A&M Forest Service holds an annual spring workshop on forestland taxation and landowner estate planning. This workshop will also count for continuing education credits (CEUs) for foresters, loggers, CPAs, property tax professionals.  Slides from their 2015 Texas Timber Tax Workshop are available at their website.

Program Page

Getting Started:

For questions on forest taxation, contact Texas A&M Forestry Service Forest Taxation Program

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